Processing of personal data, functionalities of GDPR tool

Dashboard – the GDPR management center

  • notifications about increased risk
  • statistics covering requests from data subjects, including, but not limited to, the percentage breakdown of the types of requests and the time taken to comply with them
  • map of cross-border transfers of personal data
  • structure of cooperating businesses (processor, controller)
  • statistics on data processing agreements
  • managing one’s own tasks, but also the tasks of other users, to whom the tasks are assigned or result from the authorizations granted to them
iGDPR System, Dashboard
iGDPR System, ROPA

Register of data processing activities

  • a key link in the data protection management process and a reference register for other functionalities, e.g. Retention, Authorization or Handling requests ofdata subjects
  • a source of information for functionalities, such as Privacy Notices or Data Processing Agreements
  • all information required by law, including details of the controller, the DPO, the purposes of the processing, a description of categories of data subjects and categories of personal data, categories of recipients, third countries to which the data are transferred, a general description of the technical and organizational security measures, including related resources
  • generating documents and reports in PDF format

Impact assessment for personal data protection

  • conducting a privacy impact assessment (Pre-PIA)
  • conducting a data protection impact assessment (DPIA)
  • carrying out the test of the legitimate interest assessment for the controller (LIA)
  • criteria predefined in the System and their weights
  • defining your own criteria and their weights in the Settings module
  • generating reports
  • a free introductory webinar on risk assessment
Impact assessment for data protection

Would you like to try iGDPR during processing of personal data? Test now for 21 days free-of-charge. Learn about the modules and functionalities of the System.

Register of categories of personal data processing activities

Register of categories of processing activities

  • registering contact details of the processor or processors, of each controller on whose behalf the processor acts
  • collecting categories of processing activities carried out on behalf of each controller, information on transfers of personal data to a third country or data containing a general description of the technical and organizational security measures, including related IT systems

Ongoing cooperation and operations

    • registering third parties with different roles in the processing activities
    • identifying processors, institutions to which the data are made available and joint controllers, etc.
    • documenting the registration information of the entity concerned and the role of cooperation with the controller
    • collecting information about data processing agreements
    • creating a data processing agreement template to be available in the System
    • ability to modify the template of the data processing agreement
    • ability to attach a scanned copy of an already signed data processing agreement
    • indicating the missing data processing agreements, with a notification in the Dashboard
    iGDPR System, Legal Entities
    iGDPR System, Authorizations

    Authorizations to process personal data

    • granting and managing authorizations to process data and their periodic review or revoking
    • creating authorizations based on the Register of processing activities
    • support for the full workflow: requesting, approving, final approving, granting of authorization and generating the final document in the PDF format
    • automatic dispatching of authorizations by e-mail to the authorized person
    • default authorization template available in the System
    • ability to modify the authorization template
    • information on authorizations requiring approval or authorization in the Dashboard

    Would you like an introduction to the topic? Take advantage of our free online webinars. Sign up now.

    Register of privacy notices with a Wizard

    • ability to create privacy notices for one or more activities on the basis of the information contained in the Register of processing activities
    • creating a notice based on the default template in the System
    • ability to modify the template to fit your needs
    • automatically filling in privacy notices with the data from the Register of processing activities, such as: controller’s details, legal basis, retention periods, etc.
    • registering and versioning of the approved information notices through unique identifiers and version numbers
    • ability to create notices based on previous versions
    iGDPR System, Privacy Notice
    iGDPR System, Retention

    Retention and periodic erasure of superfluous data

    • transparent definition of retention periods for individual activities
    • register of erasures
    • notifications of retention tasks in the Dashboard and through e-mail
    • mechanisms for monitoring and notifying the responsible person of the obligation to periodically erase personal data
    • ability to attach documents confirming the erasure of data (e.g. scanned copy of a report)

    Complying with the rights of data subjects in a timely manner

    • registering incoming requests and handling them in the workflow
    • user-friendly interface for clear descriptions of requests and allocating to relevant employees
    • automatic numbering of requests and generating relevant e-mail notifications sent to the data subject as well as to the controller’s employees
    • registering follow-up activities, staring with the registration of the request to the information the request completion
    • information on handling of the requests of data subjects available in the Dashboard
    • monitoring of deadlines and e-mail notifications
    • default and tailor-made notification templates
    iGDPR System, DSRR

    The iGDPR system will guide you through the entire implementation process. Import you’re the GDPR data easily.

    iGDPR System, Assets

    Register of supporting resources

    • relations with the Register of processing activities and other registers in the System
    • clarity about the responsibilities of the persons or entities responsible for individual resources
    • different categories of resources, including IT systems, outsourcing of human resources, storage space, etc., or providing the outsourcing services of data processing to the benefit of the controller
    • record of the validity of signed data processing agreements and of the adequacy of the applied risk mitigation factors for the processing of personal data
    • records of the categories of data processed in individual resources
    • contact details of the technical services responsible for resource management

    Register of breaches

    • preparing a breach notification document 
    • ability to generate a breach notification document to be sent to the authority
    • ability to print the report in order to send it by post
    • record of notifications
    iGDPR System, Data Breach
    iGDPR System, Settings


    • full flexibility in system configuration
    • adding, modifying, or deleting questions, assigning weights to questions, managing question sets used for the Pre-PIA, DPIA and LIA
    • defining dictionaries of activity categories, grounds for personal data processing, categories of data subjects, methods of data erasure
    • managing users, including their data, subordination in the structure, authorizations, roles, etc.
    • modifying templates of printouts created by the System and templates of e-mails created and sent from the System
    • registering service requests and correspondence with the Service Provider

    We can explain in detail how it works. Sign up for a free, dedicated webinar and explore all the functionalities with us.

    Import your own or test data, export of data

    • import of data with instructions for preparing them to use CSV files
    • a free introductory webinar on import
    • test data option during the testing period to facilitate getting familiarized with the System
    • exporting data entered into the System
    • support for the files in CSV format (so-called flat files with semicolon separation) and XLSX for export
    • contact concerning import and export of data through the form in the Settings module

    iGDPR System, Import
    Powered by AWS

    Online access with separate database on cloud or On-Premise and security

    • availability online or On-Premise, via any web browser
    • separate database for each client
    • access to the app is protected by two-factor authentication
    • data stored in public cloud, which meets the highest requirements in terms of security quality and procedures
    • cloud clients include many high-profile companies providing services in such sensitive areas as healthcare, electronic payments and finance, or IT systems security
    • System subjected to an external security audit by a certified body

    iGDPR evolves as GDPR changes

    Area of processing of personal data is changing constantly. The iGDPR complies with the current legal requirements associated with GDPR and will incorporate the emerging changes. We are constantly developing and improving it to meet your expectations even better. New modifications and functionalities appear in the cycles of 6 to 9 months, or more frequently, if it is required so by regulations. o this end, we have been running the iGDPR Labs program since the beginning of our operations. Together with our clients we plan out a development map of the System, which includes further modifications and the deadlines for their implementation. If you have any suggestions for the development of the iGDPR System or would like to join the iGDPR Labs program, please e-mail us using the form in the Settings module. Members of the partner program also participate in the program.

    IGDPR Labs

    Would you like to try it? Test now for 21 days free-of-charge. Learn about the modules and functionalities of the System.